Course Description

Lawyer/Trainer & Founder of LCATE

Yasmine Lupin

Yasmine Lupin is the director of the London Centre for Advanced Training & Education (LCATE). LCATE delivers online training to students all over the world. The centre specialises in providing useful CPD legal English and law courses. LCATE is also a provider of some of the Solicitors Examination Qualification (SQE). Yasmine also is a practising solicitor and GDPR practitioner as a consultant solicitor for Maddox Legal.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Lesson 1 - Present Continuous in a Business Context

    • Lesson 1 - Present Continuous in a Business Context

    • Lesson 1 Material

    • Review of the Present Continuous

    • Quiz 1 - Present Continuous in a Business Context

    • Test your Understanding in a Business Context

    • Answers to the Test

    • Quiz 2 - Present Continuous in a Business Context

    • The Present Continuous in Practice

  • 2

    Lesson 2 - Writing Emails

    • Lesson 2 - Writing Emails

    • Lesson 2 - Material

    • Review of Emails

    • Quiz 2 - Emails

    • Test Your Understanding in a Business Context

    • Answers to the Test

  • 3

    Lesson 3 - Understanding Business Idioms

    • Lesson 3 - Business Idioms

    • Lesson 3 - Material

    • Quiz 3(a)

    • Listening Exercise - Business Idioms

    • Quiz 3(b) - Business Idioms & Comprehension

  • 4

    Lesson 4 - Present Simple in a Business Context

    • Lesson 4 - Present Simple in a Business Context

    • Lesson 4 - Material

    • Review of the Present Simple

    • Quiz 4(a) - Present Simple

    • Test your Understanding in a Business Context

    • Answer to the Test

    • Quiz 4(b) - Revision

    • The Present Simple in Practice

  • 5

    Lesson 5 - How to Introduce Yourself to your Client

    • Lesson 5 - How to Introduce Yourself

    • Lesson 5 - Material

    • Listening Exercise - Introducing Yourself

    • Listening Exercise - Introductions & Making a Pitch

  • 6

    Lesson 6 - Past Simple in a Business Context

    • Lesson 6 - Past Simple in a Business Context

    • Lesson 6 - Reading Material

    • Review of the Past Simple

    • Quiz - 6(a) - Past Simple

    • Quiz 6(b) - Revision

    • Test your Understanding in a Business Context

    • Answers to the Test

    • The Past Simple In Practice

  • 7

    Lesson 7 - The importance of 'Small Talk'

    • Lesson 7 - Importance of 'Small Talk'

    • Lesson 7 - Reading Material

    • Review - Small Talk

    • Small Talk (1)

    • Quiz 7(a) - Listening Exercise - Small Talk

    • Small Talk (2) - Avoiding Offence

    • Quiz 7(b) - Small Talk - Avoiding Offence

  • 8

    Lesson 8 - Past Continuous in a Business Context

    • Lesson 8 - Past Continuous in a Business Context

    • Reading Material - Past Continuous

    • Review - Past Continuous

    • Quiz 8 - Past Continuous

    • The Past Continuous in Practice

    • Test your Understanding in a Business Context

    • Answers to Tests

  • 9

    Lesson 9 - Prepositions in a Business Context

    • Lesson 9 - Prepositions in a Business Context

    • Reading Material - Prepositions

    • Quiz 9 - Prepositions

    • Listening Exercises - Asking Directions

    • Quiz 9b)

    • Test your Understanding in a Business Context

    • Answers to Test

  • 10

    Lesson 10 - Telephone Calls & Conference Calls

    • Lesson 10 - Conference Calls

    • Reading Material - Lesson 10

    • Listening Exercise - Leaving a Message

    • Quiz 10 - Understanding the Message

    • Review - Telephone communication & Conference Calls

    • Listening Exercise - Connecting a Call

    • Quiz - Connecting a Call

    • Listening Exercise - Conference Calls

    • Quiz 10 (b)

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.